Tideway Heads Results

Mar 25, 2024

Head of the River Race crew 129 Quintin

This weekend saw the two final head races of the season on the Thames Tideway. On Saturday 297 crews were placed out of an entry of 324 for the Head of the River Race. The fastest crew on the day were Leander A, who completed the course in 16 min. 26.7 sec, a new course record. Quintin had one crew entered, but they unfortunately had to make more than four substitutions after entries closed and so rowed for time only.

The full results of the race may be found at https://www.horr.co.uk/Result/.

On Sunday it was the turn of the masters in the Vesta International Masters Head of the River Race. Quintin had two crews entered but misfortune struck the “barflies” crew with their strokeman falling sick, leaving them unable to compete with no suitable substitute available. To compensate for this our Masters H crew won the Masters G/H handicap category convincingly, with a margin of 30 seconds over Weybridge RC in second place. Our crew’s raw time was 19 min 49.7 sec, which was also 23 seconds faster than the fastest Masters G crew over which a further 33 seconds handicap was added. It should also be noted that, if the handicap had been applied across the board, they would have been placed first with an adjusted time of 17 min. 10.7 sec.

The names of our winning competitors may be found on our Head and Regatta Wins page.

The full results are currently available at https://rowresults.co.uk/VIMH24.

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