Vision for the Future

May 9, 2024

Quintin Boat Club was founded in 1907 but the origins of the club go back further. In 1888 Quintin Hogg paid to have a boathouse built on the present site in Chiswick. The original mainly wooden boathouse was pulled down in 1924 and replaced by the present one. It’s now 2024 and a 100 years later the Quintin Hogg Trust have decided to invest over £3,000,000 to rebuild the existing boathouse. In return for fitting out the new Boathouse QBC have agreed terms for a 25 year lease to future proof the site for both the club and rowing.

In order for Quintin to continue to grow and develop, we’re sure you all agree the opportunity to have a new modern boathouse is an exciting prospect. Not just for us but for future generations.

You will see from the plans that the front part of the building which comprises the clubroom balcony and boat bay is being retained. Behind this a new 3 story building will provide us with :-

  • A bigger modern boathouse with 7 boat bays
  • Crew room which we have never had before.
  • Four modern changing rooms that can be interconnected and configured for juniors, men and women.
  • Large bar which is bigger and more suited to the events space.
  • Fully equipped kitchen.
  • New cardio gym and weights room on the 2nd floor of the building.
  • Outdoor toilet facilities on the ground floor.
  • Disabled Access by means of a lift to both floors.
  • Bigger and better events space including a large terrace that will provide space for social and community activities.

We are pleased to share the architect’s vision showing technical and computer generated illustrations of the new Quintin Boat Club. We believe this scheme will both preserve the best traditions and atmosphere of the old clubhouse and give us facilities fit for the 21st century.

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