Scratch Quads Event and AGM

Sep 17, 2023

This Sunday was the date for our Annual General Meeting, scheduled for 12:00 noon. The meeting was preceded by a scratch Quadruple sculls competition among some of our keener members. Three crews were fielded, requiring an elimination heat followed by a two-boat final. In the heat Huw Jones, Nicholas Tonello, Mike Harris and Juliet Cassidy took on and beat Dave King, Doru Procopiu, Pete Meaney and Kira Vermang, but in the final they met the might of Geoff Garbow, Richard Ware, Simon Wood and Mark Chatwin. The Garbow crew took an early lead but the final verdict was a dead heat – and nobody fancied a re-row.

The AGM itself was fairly uneventful – minutes will be circulated to members in due course. Duncan Hughes, elected in July, took over the captaincy from Mark Chatwin, who had held the office since 2016. Many thanks to Mark for his years of service.

The committee for 2023-24 is:
Captain: Duncan Hughes
Vice-captains: Mark Chatwin, Cian Tan
Treasurer: William Medlicott
Secretary: Malcolm Cook
Other committee members: Huw Jones, Dave King, Jo Midgley, Sophie Young

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